The City of Phoenix is developing what they are calling the “Active Transportation Plan” (ATP). They’re looking for neighbor’s input on priorities such as walking, biking, e-scooters, wheelchairs and other “active” transportation and how they should relate to our vehicle infrastructure. Help set the priorities! Full details and survey on their website:
Project Background
This Active Transportation Plan is intended to build from and support existing plans and initiatives, including the comprehensive Road Safety Action Plan, comprehensive Bicycle Master Plan, Climate Action Plan, and Transit Oriented Development Policy Plan among others. The Active Transportation Plan will build off successes from those initiatives and identify specific barriers around walking, biking and rolling in Phoenix. The plan will include design guides supported by national best practice research, and what is already being implemented on the ground in Phoenix. The development of the plan is currently in progress.
Project Survey
The project survey is an important tool to gather information and help guide how we design and implement active transportation improvements across the city. The survey questions give you an opportunity to weigh in on which kinds of improvements will be most useful in helping you feel safe and comfortable walking and biking. Your input helps the city understand more about what your needs are, how you are currently using active transportation and what improvements the city should prioritize in the future. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes. All answers are anonymous.